Worthy And Company
How Can We Help You?
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If you own property in Brevard County, you probably have a lot on your mind these days.

Such as, "What's my property worth?"

               "How much insurance do I need?"

               "Is this a good time to invest in real estate?"

We've been appraising nearly all types of property in Brevard and the surrounding counties for over seventeen years.

We specialize in providing accurate replacement cost estimates - insurable values - for condominium associations and homeowners.

Many property owners think they can't afford an appraiser. But with market conditions changing all the time, an appraiser may be able to save you money, or help you make the most of your real estate investment.

We offer payment plans on most commercial appraisals. We will be glad to work with you to gain your trust and earn your business.

Email Bonnie Bedell:  Bonnie@WorthyandCompany.com

Email Gloria McCormick: Gloria@WorthyAndCompany.com 
